I need to crop a batch of images that have a person in them to specific dimensions. I want to keep the person in the result crop, but I want them to be placed at a specific part of the image, for example, south east. I have thought about using x,y coordinates, but that would mean I would need to determine the coordinates…
Cloudinary uses a multi-CDN solution incorporating Akamai, Cloudflare, and Fastly to ensure a highly available and performant media delivery platform. This approach enables efficient distribution of media assets across the web, reducing latency and improving overall performance. Typically, it is best to let Cloudinary…
Hi there folks.I've had some struggle with getting my code working in NextJS with Server actions and TypeScript. Now that I solved it. I would like to share my code in case somebody else stumbled upon the same problem. Lets first start with the page.tsx. I use Shadcn for my forms and custom hooks for passing some props to…
Hi, after resolving a problem with my next app, i decided to make a quick tutorial from what i have done, making it clear that this can be not the best example, its just a test. I used React-Dropzone to catch values and React-Hook-Form to handle my form (that contains name, description and an optional array of images): (i…
Cloudinary came through again! Turning a normally pretty tough task of auto-generating open graph images into just a string builder function. Thanks for the awesome tool guys. Blog Post
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