September 2024 Community Update
September is ending and we’re coming into the busy Autumn season. Each month there’s new features, tools, and developments in the Cloudinary ecosystem, and this roundup will help you find the key new updates. Resource of the Month: Code Explorers This new tool in our Documentation site lets you select your preferred…
Cloudinary Community Standards: Please Read Before Posting
Welcome! We are so glad you're here. But before you get started, here are some things you need to know. This community has a set of standards across all our online spaces. They include (but are not limited to) the following principles and rules: Respect Our community members come from all over the planet and walks of life.…
PDF file not Opening via link
Hey, I am not able to open pdf by link provided to me on upload of raw type file , on opeing i get on webpage. This page isn’t workingIf the problem continues, contact the site owner. HTTP ERROR 401 On media file when i open pdf file i see error {"error":{"message":"Customer is marked as…
Unable To Create Subfolders Using Unsigned Preset
Hi Cloudinary team, I'm unable to create a dynamic sub folder using an unsigned preset and the cloudinary API. My upload preset looks like this: name/properties I'm trying to create dynamic subfolders using a unique id + a new subfolder folder to store the images: /123123/venues/someimage.jpg…
from where i get the api keys
I'm unable to delete a file via the media explorer on the Cloudinary website
I have a couple of uploaded files. I want to delete them and I was able to do so for all but one file. When I select the last one and press delete, I get a message saying "2 files deleted successfully" even though I only selected one file. And that file is still present in the media explorer even if I refresh the page. The…
Pdf problem
I have a folder that contains many subfolders. Each subfolder contains images and PDFs. I created a preset_img that converts all image types to JPG and a preset_pdf that doesn't modify anything. When I manually upload the folders, the PDFs are being converted using preset_img. The resource type is detected as "image" even…
Unable to upload file to cloudinary from my backend application
I am building a node.js application using Express in my window system and when I try to upload a file from my server to Cloudinary I get this error Please help me to figure out this error…
What is The Easiest Way to Upload 200 Images from Google Sheet…
Hi, I have a free account and I need to upload 200 images/assets into a folder in my Cloudinary account. I am a beginner with this process, so if you could provide step by step instructions, that would be very helpful. I do have a list of JPG URL’s in a Google Sheet, example: I also have my my images stored in my iCloud. I…
Import link into excel
How to import all link in a folder of cloudinary into excel without copying it one by one?
Making a document type like raw link not auto download
As a backend developer using nodejs and express, I want to make sure that the link generated from cloudinary for document should be a view link instead of an auto download, how do I do this, I already added the attachment like this flags: 'attachment:false',
Replacement Responsive Image Breakpoints Generator
I am not a developer and I was trying to install the open sourced Responsive Image Breakpoints Generator. It has been 3 years since any changed were made. I had to abandon my work because I don't know anything about developer work. I decided to write my own version of the generator. By I write, I mean AI writes. It lets…
Pdf url is not working/opening
Hello devs I have been working on a project and I wanted to fetch and save pdf from the user into the database. The images url are working fine but the pdf urls are not working even when. They are successfully getting saved into the database though. But the link is just not working. Could anyone provide me with the…
Image not getting deleted
I am trying to delete an image. It says that the image is not found but it still opens on the cloudinary_url. >>> cloudinary.uploader.destroy("user_cls1hjqjd00004enqgohyclng_profile_image") {'result': 'not found'} >>> cloudinary.utils.cloudinary_url("user_cls1hjqjd00004enqgohyclng_profile_image")…
How to transform recorded live stream video with Cloudinary
Hello, everyone. I am working on a demo that helps set up OBS with a Nextjs application. The demo will transform the stream using the video transformation functionality and other AI effects. I know this is in "BETA," but I want to ask a few questions. 1. Anyone have experience working with this recently? 2. I noticed i…
Error opening the pdf
Hey devs, I'm trying to build an application and I'm using cloudinary to upload the pdf file and generate a pdf link, however when i open the link, it says error: failed to open the pdf. I searched online and found that it will work once you check the allow delivery of pdf and zip files and I did that and it worked. A few…
How to do Background remove (AI) with Make.com (Integromat)? (It says the transformation not avail)
I have a Make.com (integromat) workflow to grab image from Airtable, upload to Cloudinary, process some transformations and then save back to Airtable. All works fine. But when i try to use the … e_background_removal .. transformation, it doesn't work. I do have credits for the AI Background removal plugin and I am able to…