How I fetch an imagen into a folder?
I am testing Cloudinary with "fetch", like this: https://res.cloudinary.com/iduser/image/fetch/c_scale,w_320/f_auto/q_auto/https://domain.com/category/imagen_name.jpg And it goes fine, but the images are stored in the home of my account and I want it to be stored in a folder as it can be done in "upload". For example I…
How can I get progress of file uploading from uploader.upload_stream and pass it to api
I'm developing nextjs app with api routes, I have a route to upload file to cloudinary localhost/api/files/upload. There I send files with axios and receive axios uploadProgressEvent to display it on web page. I see that progress works fine when I upload file to api route, at 100% upload I need to wait more because file is…
Problems when using the Fetch URL
Recently, I have been encountering problems when using the Fetch URL feature. While the following URL works without issue: https://res.cloudinary.com/ashhair/image/fetch/w_700,f_auto,fl_lossy,q_auto,fl_progressive/https://ash-hair.com/shared_img/u/stylist/1458/2022112832400012934.jpeg This URL returns a 400 error:…