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I am trying to move an image from one folder to another with API and .NET here is my code: public string MoveImage(string oldPID, string newPID) { var cloudinary = new Cloudinary(cloudinaryUrl: "cloudinary://334819583972299:?????"); RenameParams renameParams = new RenameParams(oldPID, newPID) { FromPublicId = oldPID,…
I am able to save photos with only pulicID such as "docs_filenamedotextention" and it is saved in the home directory of cloudinary since no folder is assigned. If I want to add photos to a folder called docs then the publicID will become "docs/filenamedotextention" and here is where I have a problem because it will through…
I am trying to delete photos from my API using the photo public id but with one issue, I have the photos inside a folder so the photo public id is something like this: foldername/photoname_dkjshksjhdk and if i try to delete that photo it will bring error file not found as it will treat it as a path rather than public id.…
Hi, I tried to upload a photo to specific folder and it works fine but when trying to access the photo with the public id that has a folder name included as photo public id I get error. I tried that in postman so it considers the string (photo_public_id) is equal to ("myfolder/hjgshdgjdg) it will conside that as a path not…
I can edit the PublicId but seem not to be able to update it programmatically using NET. Here is a fragment of my code UpdateParams up = new UpdateParams(oldPublicId) // tws7/5113_d5240053-1b32-49fd-a11a-400e7a6f5d2e/OriginalWebp { PublicId = newPublicId // tws7/5113_d5240053-1b32-49fd-a11a-400e7a6f5d2e/Original };…
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