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I had been testing a video-upload feature using the Cloudinary API for about 2-3 hours and took a break to make something to eat. Now the uploads on my devices are returning a 401 "Invalid Signature" error. I haven't touched the backend which fetches my valid signature and returns it to the client, and checking the…
As I want to display my media files only on that domain only from where I uploaded using cloudinary API. Like if someone having that link, they cannot able to access the image/files directly from the browser. 2. How to create a time limited link of some images so the user can directly access the link in browser for short…
so i have used cloudinary for a while now but now i have gotten error like stale request. Do anyone know how to solve this problem ? i am using nextjs
Hello, I am using signed uploads, which means my backend generates parameters, including a public id, and a signed signature for the frontend to use to upload an image. Some of the images that are uploaded have type = private. On my backend, I query Cloudinary for the images that the backend has generated a signature for…
I use secure uploads in my application, specifying a public_id and overwrite=false in the upload options. When I attempt to upload an image with a public_id that already exists, I receive an immediate response indicating that the asset exists, marked by existing=true in the response. In this scenario, am I charged for…
I am using cloudinary to store images, videos and GIFs. I am using nodejs to create the signatures. and below given cloudinary version. "cloudinary": "^2.1.0" Here is the code to generate signatures. const timestamp = Math.round(new Date() / 1000); const signatureParams = { public_id, timestamp, }; const signatureResult =…
Hi! I've been working on a project using Cloudinary's generative recolor, and now I'm trying to prepare it to go live. I want to make sure that nobody can start generating a ton of new image transformations, so I've turned on strict transformations, and set my deployment site on vercel as an "allowed strict referral…
Hi there Thanks for reaching out Im trying to create a signature, and want to add some parameters to it like "access_control", "folder",... But i dont know how to do that, i try another way: use the preset i create on cloudinary (but that is not the way i want). Here is my code (C# and it worked with "upload_preset"):
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