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Hi! I've been working on a project using Cloudinary's generative recolor, and now I'm trying to prepare it to go live. I want to make sure that nobody can start generating a ton of new image transformations, so I've turned on strict transformations, and set my deployment site on vercel as an "allowed strict referral…
i am developing via django framework, i am able to setup cloudinary to host images and static files however in all production environments i am not able to serve these files. when i use django-whitenoise it cancels the cloudinary configuration and so i end up using whitenoise to serve my files however this is not what i…
Please help, 2 weeks stuck. So far no answers works, no AI, nobody, no workaround, I have no idea where to look anymore. Uploading images on development works perfect, on production 405. Add headers, take headers, change CORS, use Axios, change to fetch, clear cache, downgrade Nextjs, try different npm's etc... No idea on…
While the above route works perfectly fine while uploading files running on localhost, when i push to vercel it the AXIOS request will get a strange "405 Method Not Allowed" error while on vercel logs "Unknown application error occurred Runtime.Unknown" export async function POST(req: Request) { try { const formData =…
let cloudinary = require("cloudinary").v2; let streamifier = require('streamifier'); let cld_upload_stream = cloudinary.uploader.upload_stream( { folder: "foo" }, function(error, result) { console.log(error, result); } ); streamifier.createReadStream(req.file.buffer).pipe(cld_upload_stream);
Hi all, I'm getting this build error: "./node_modules/vm2/lib/compiler.js Module not found: Can't resolve 'coffee-script' in '/Users/me/my-project/node_modules/vm2/lib" I'm trying to use the Node SDK in a Next.js 13 Api route, intending to upload an image, the Api route looks like this: import { NextRequest, NextResponse }…
Dall-E + Auto upload from Cloudinary. Hey everyone! I Just want to share some cool stuff (I think :) ) with you. It's a Vercel function to generate Dall-E images that you can use with Cloudinary URLs. When all set, you can dynamically generate and deliver (or manipulate) optimized images generated by Dall-E. I'm using it…
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