Background removal and handling the 423 response
I'm used to Cloudinary taking a few seconds to respond on the first request to a transformed image, but in testing background removal, I'm seeing that the default is to return 423 on the first response? If I wanted to programatically download the result, is the expectation to make 2 requests?
Is there a way to list assets sorted asset by updated date ?
I try to list all recently updated assets (metadata update, tags update, …) Is there a way with search api or with another api to achieve that ? Here is my current request Url https://api.cloudinary.com/v1_1/{{cloud_name}}/resources/search Body: { "expression": "resource_type:image", "with_field": [ "context", "tags" ], }
pdf not opening
I integrated cloudinary on my website i am making, in which i upload pdfs and access them. when i open the pdf link it says failed to load pdf document.
success in deleting but...
I recently made an API with Cloudinary and NodeJS, of course, this API has the function to delete images, but when I went to test it, there was always a problem. The API returns 200, it seems like everything is perfect, but if I go to Cloudinary, it didn't delete anything. In fact, the image is still there. Could someone…
It took me 3 hours and almost a heart attack
To realize that the problem is with the farthest thing I could ever think of Can someone explain why cloudinary.config doesn‘t accept .env varriavbles While Iam 100 sure I declared and configed the dotenv
How to transform recorded live stream video with Cloudinary
Hello, everyone. I am working on a demo that helps set up OBS with a Nextjs application. The demo will transform the stream using the video transformation functionality and other AI effects. I know this is in "BETA," but I want to ask a few questions. 1. Anyone have experience working with this recently? 2. I noticed i…
Returning Unformatted Data (or Label) from Structured Metadata
I am trying to add two custom structured meta data fields – city and country – to photos in my folder. When I fetch that data I get the ID's (e.g. Usa instead of USA, Puerto_montt instead of Puerto Montt). Is there a way to fetch the labels without trying to transform or map these locally?
Cloudinary and Webflow
Hi! Is there API integration with Cloudinary and a Webflow site? I am trying to add a "Record" button to my website and also a button for users to "Upload" an audio file. Is this just a matter of adding the right code embed? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Will there be a Collections API?
I am using Collections manually and Dynamic collections might also be useful. I would really like to programmatically build many more collections but there is no API. When might this be available? TIA, Mark
Move image from one folder to another
Hi, How to move an image from one folder to another programatically using .net and your API? I found this article but it is not for .net https://support.cloudinary.com/hc/en-us/articles/202521002-How-to-move-an-asset-from-one-folder-to-another
gen_remove is not supported as an incoming transformation
Hi, I'm trying to use a transformation preset while I upload pictures in node.js, this preset contains a gen_remove and it crashes with an error 500 "[unhandled] [500] gen_remove is not supported as an incoming transformation". I don't see a list of unsupported transformation in the docs, maybe because it's a new feature ?…
Named transformation with user-defined variables not working
I'm working with Strict Transformations mode disabled and I'm trying the following named transformation (portfolio_color_replacement) with user-defined variables: My original image looks like this: If I try to use the replace color effect like this…
Concatenating Audio Results in One Channel Audio
Hello, we have been using the API successfully to concatenate audio files. It's a great feature. However, we are experiencing an issue with some audio files we upload to our software that is used to send to your API. The problem is this: When mixing some of the audio files (these are MP3 files created by ElevenLabs…
Unable to query my Product Environment
I'm using nodejs sdk, and I have this simple config in my project: cloudinary.config ({ cloud_name: "testname", api_key: "11223344556677", api_secret: "h64hsh6wh7whs", secure: true, analytics: false, hide_sensitive: true }) const result = await cloudinary.api .resources() .then(result=> console.log(result)); But I'm…
search API subfolder
Hi! I am new to Cloudinary so bear with me... Right now the following code grabs all of my Cloudinary media, but I just need assets from a folder/subfolder. How can I specifically grab assets within a particular folder using the Cloudinary search API? Thanks! const results = (await cloudinary.v2.search…