Help Us Shape the Future of the Cloudinary Javascript SDK
Big news for all JavaScript developers: We’ve posted an RFC for the JavaScript SDK on our GitHub repository. This RFC is a key step in improving the developer experience, and we're actively seeking feedback from our community. What's The Goal? Version 2 of the JavaScript URL Gen SDK improved performance and error handling…
Why Does Changing the Signature Still Allow Access to My Private HLS on Cloudinary?
I’m new here and need some help with securing video links on Cloudinary. I’m using Python to upload a video as private and also setting up strict transformations, but changing the signature in the URL still allows access. Here’s what I’m doing: Enable Strict Transformations in the Cloudinary Settings → Security tab. Create…
Transparency of base image with overlays
Hey there, I have an issue I'm struggling with for some time. I have a base image with a bounding box which is transparent which will contain an overlay: The image below is a desired outcome. (please ignore the glare) This is what I currently have The problem is that the overlaid image in the center covers parts of both…
Polyfill error when trying to use cloudinary js sdk
Hi, I'm trying to implement the cloudinary js sdk into my app and I'm receiving multiple errors that say Module not found: Error: Can't resolve xxxx in '…/node_modules/cloudinary/lib/api_client'BREAKING CHANGE: webpack < 5 used to include polyfills for node.js core modules by default. I've tried the solution in this thread…
Edited image not returning valid URL
I'm following this tutorial https://cloudinary.com/blog/placing-images-on-curved-surfaces-through-displacement-mapping and I'm stuck at the displacement part. It doesn't return a valid image URL, This is the URL it returns https://res.cloudinary.com/da3clivij/e_displace,l_gradients:gradient,x_20,y_20/logo?_a=BAMCkGRi0…
Scale and Fixed Coordinate Crop Calculations
I am trying to use the api to scale and crop an image programmatically to match the scaling and translation made to an image in an <img> element. I am starting with an image (say 800x800) that is scaled to fit the dimensions of the img element (say 400x400) without changing the aspect ratio. The image is then scaled and…
I got a video by connecting the video and using the transition, but the second video was out of sync
origin video1 origin video2 connected video I'm using JS sdk cl = cloudinary.Cloudinary.new({cloud_name: CLOUD_NAME}); const video = cl.video_url(VIDEO_ID_0,{ transformation:[ {duration:"3"}, {flags:"splice:transition_(name_pixelize;du_2)", overlay:{resource_type:"video",public_id:VIDEO_ID_1}}, {duration: "8"},…
401 Error after retrieving assets using the request.get_content() method in python
I am getting a 401 error after sending a request to a particular url to download a file. upload works great but downloads return a 401 error. This is the log message https://res.cloudinary.com:443 "GET /di8radfle/image/upload/v1734082884/qbrxyfdq1nocm3jwbszx.pdf?API_KEY=<key>&API_SECRET=<secret> HTTP/11" 401 0 I also sent…
i changed allowed Allowed IPs by mistake and now I am not been able to access console
Please Help
i am not able to deliver pdf to react page
i have free plan in cloudinary. i want to upload pdfs in my react webpage but i am not able to do so. whenever i paste url generated from mongodb in chrome, it shows failed to load pdf document . can you please suggest me anything that could help me.it is very urgent project which i need to submit in coming three days. i…
[Wordpress] Understanding storage limits
Hello everyone, I have a doubt about the storage for the free plan. On the website I read that the following is included monthly: 25k Monthly Transformations or 25GB Managed Storage or 25GB Monthly Net Viewing Bandwidth But on the Wordpress plugin dashboard I have these numbers: Does the plugin itself have any further…
Error With Manual Signature Creation via PHP
I am using the manual method, not SDK, to generate a signature. This is a test page that generates a curl that I run via my windows command prompt. <?php // Enable error reporting to display errors directly on the screen ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); // API…
Console returning error in Next Cloudinary using video
Hi, I use nextjs and installed next-cloudinary. But in the console it returns two errors in localhost and in production. Does anyone know why these errors, I'm using the same codes as the examples Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'css') at e.setupThumbnailElement…
[Invalid value v16XXXX for parameter type] - How to access private media .m3u8 with token
I am trying to access private media https://res.cloudinary.com/demo/…/Cloudinary_Car.m3u8 with token: below example https://res.cloudinary.com/demo/video/upload/sp_auto/pg_2/v1656585800//Cloudinary_Car.m3u8?cld_token=exp=1733355248~acl=*~hmac=XXXXXX But getting 401 unauthorized error Error : Invalid value v1656585800 for…
error:Must supply Api
I have a phase a error when i hit the image upload button my cloudniary connection is a proper statblish i cant identify error in the code i need your favour how can i fix the error and can give me any alternative to check the testing process my connection . I hope u understand my problems and you will be find the…
Enabling Auto-Generate All Pages for PDF and TIFF with Unsigned Upload Preset for unsigned
Hi, I’m using an unsigned Upload Preset for my uploads, and I’d like to enable the automatic generation of multiple pages for my PDF and TIFF files. Currently, only the first page (pg_1) is being generated and accessible for querying, while the remaining pages are not. Could you please guide me on how to enable the…