Why Does Changing the Signature Still Allow Access to My Private HLS on Cloudinary?

Igaligal Member Posts: 1
edited January 10 in Developer APIs

I’m new here and need some help with securing video links on Cloudinary. I’m using Python to upload a video as private and also setting up strict transformations, but changing the signature in the URL still allows access.

Here’s what I’m doing:

  1. Enable Strict Transformations in the Cloudinary Settings → Security tab.
  2. Create and update a named transformation and allow it for strict transformations:
    cloudinary.api.create_transformation( name="my_named_t_1080", definition={ "width": 1920, "height": 1080, "crop": "limit", "bit_rate": "3500k" })cloudinary.api.update_transformation( transformation="my_named_t_1080", allowed_for_strict=True)
  3. Create a streaming profile (test8) referencing that transformation (and allow it under strict transformations).
  4. Upload the video (private) with an eager transformation:
    import cloudinaryimport cloudinary.uploaderimport cloudinary.apiresponse = cloudinary.uploader.upload( file_path, public_id=public_id, folder=folder, resource_type="video", sign_url=True, type='private', # ensures the video is not publicly accessible eager=[ { "streaming_profile": "test8", "format": "m3u8", "type": "private", "sign_url": True } ], invalidate=True, secure=True, eager_async=False)

Now, the HLS URL I get is something like:

The Problem: When I manually alter the signature part (e.g., s--aaaabbbb-- to some random text), the URL still works—I expected a 403 or some error saying the signature is invalid.


  • Why does changing the signature still allow me to play the video, even though I have strict transformations enabled?
  • Is there a specific setting or approach I’m missing to ensure an incorrect signature always fails? Thank you for any help or clarification. If there’s a recommended approach to truly invalidate a changed signature I’d love to know.