Error uploading file: Unknown API key **** with postman
Hi guys! I have the MERN app. In Express I have a /uploads endpoint for upload the files. When run the project in local and run the endpoint in postman no problem. http://localhost:9000/upload Response: File uploaded successfully. URL:…
How to list all images inside folder ?
Hi, I am having issue connecting to cloudinary to fetch images inside folder. All other requests inside postman works fine, except this, I keep getting 404 html response. Please tell me what I did wrong here. Thank you Postman API:
Cloudinary Postman collections to make it easier to try our APIs
Postman is a popular tool for running REST API requests, whether it's to get a feel for the request and response parameters or maybe even for automation. We're a big fan at Cloudinary and so we've created our own public workspace with a set of collections that you can fork and use to test out various API calls. To get…