File size exceeds maximum allowed (20 MB)
Hello guys, we are on Cloudinary Programmable Media Plus Plan and we tried to upload a PDF document which has a file size of 60 MB through the Cloudinary Upload widget in the media library. But the upload widget shows the error "File size (63.02 MB) exceeds maximum allowed (20 MB)" Is there any chance to increase the…
i am not able to deliver pdf to react page
i have free plan in cloudinary. i want to upload pdfs in my react webpage but i am not able to do so. whenever i paste url generated from mongodb in chrome, it shows failed to load pdf document . can you please suggest me anything that could help me.it is very urgent project which i need to submit in coming three days. i…
[Wordpress plugin] Some videos don't sync
Hello everyone, I have a wordpress website that uses Cloudinary plugin to upload media files. I see that some videos don't sync and I don't know why. If I move the mouse on the error icon it says missing header/body separator . I didn't undestand why it happens only for few medias and I don't know how to investigate the…
Issue with auto-upload
Hi! Thanks for all the help you provide in this Community!! My issue: I don't manage to get my auto-upload working, after spending several hours trying to get it. I have mapped a folder "ztat" to this URL: "https://img01.ztat.net/" Cloudinary tells me it's ok, I think:…
What is The Easiest Way to Upload 200 Images from Google Sheet…
Hi, I have a free account and I need to upload 200 images/assets into a folder in my Cloudinary account. I am a beginner with this process, so if you could provide step by step instructions, that would be very helpful. I do have a list of JPG URL’s in a Google Sheet, example: I also have my my images stored in my iCloud. I…
Add structured metadata to upload in SDK , C# not applying
I have my code below, but the metadata is not applying when doing the upload. Can anyone help? RawUploadParams rawUploadParams = new RawUploadParams(); rawUploadParams.MetadataFields = new StringDictionary(); rawUploadParams.MetadataFields.Add("InternalID", "001"); // Upload an image and log the response to the console…
Can you make the "Take picture" option more visible on mobile?
Hi! Can you please consider making the "Take a picture" option a separate option on mobile in the upload widget (as it is on laptop). It is really confusing and bad UX to place it inside "My files". "My files" are files that I already have available on my phone, and it is not suitable for pictures that I am about to take.…
Cloudinary URL Transformations Not Working Due to Firebase Auth Rule Conflicts
Hi Team Cloudinary, We've integrated the URL transformation feature of Cloudinary in our React app, but recently encountered an issue. We've applied an authentication rule to our Firebase bucket that stores the images we intend to optimize using Cloudinary. Unfortunately, since implementing this rule, the recent…
getting a stale request sometimes
so i have used cloudinary for a while now but now i have gotten error like stale request. Do anyone know how to solve this problem ? i am using nextjs
Error Trying to upload from cloud.
I made a django app to upload images to cloudinary. The upload works fine on localmachine, but when I uploaded my project to python anywhere, I started getting the folllowing error. { "status": "false", "error": "Unexpected error - MaxRetryError("TCPKeepAliveHTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.cloudinary.com', port=443): Max…
Inability to upload images
I can't upload an image from my PC after signing in. I want to change a portrait image to landscape. Please, what do I do?
413 Request Entity Too Large
I am uploading files to cloudinary with this code in laravel ````public function upload(Request $request) { $folder = 'product_photo'; if ($request->hasFile('photo')) { $file = $request->file('photo'); request()->validate([ 'photo' => 'nullable|image|mimes:jpeg,png,jpg,gif,svg|max:6048', ]); $cloudinaryResponse =…
Where can I find images that were rejected by AWS Rekognition AI Moderation?
According to the Automatic image moderation flow documentation, rejected images are available for restoration: A rejected image does not appear in your media library, but is backed up, consuming storage, so that it can be restored if necessary. I have uploaded an image that got rejected by AWS Rekognition but I cannot find…
Picture turns on 90 degrees after I upload it from Strapi
I use Strapi for CMS and I want to save my pictures in Cloudinary. I have a preset in Cloudinary - a set of different characteristics that I want to apply to a photo before saving it. If I upload a photo directly to the Cloudinari library, the preset is applied. If I upload a photo from Strapi, in the metadata of which the…
How can I upload larger images?
I seem to be having trouble uploading any images > 1MB. For example the image at the below URL. I am using the ruby gem and am not able to get this to work even when I use the upload_large method or add a timeout. I consistently get the error: CloudinaryException: Error in loading…