socket connection timeout
import { v2 as cloudinary } from "cloudinary"; import fs from "fs"; cloudinary.config({ cloud_name: process.env.CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME, api_key: process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_KEY, api_secret: process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET }); cloudinary.uploader .upload("free-images.jpg", { use_filename: true})…
Upload Remote from S3 in Specific AP Region
Dear, Cloudinary. I have simple general bucket in ap-southeast-3 (Jakarta) which I want to migrate the data from. But after several hours of failed attempts, I tried to create a simple private s3 in us-west-1 and setup the required permissions again. This time it was successful. So I doubt, whether my failed attempts were…
Why are users unable to access media files from a React app hosted on Cloudinary when shared on the
Despite hosting media files on Cloudinary and sharing a link to a React app on Facebook, users encounter difficulties accessing media content when browsing through the Facebook mobile app. The shared link directs users to the React app, but media files fail to load, hindering the overall user experience. What might be…
How to deal with publicID if photo inside a folder?
I am able to save photos with only pulicID such as "docs_filenamedotextention" and it is saved in the home directory of cloudinary since no folder is assigned. If I want to add photos to a folder called docs then the publicID will become "docs/filenamedotextention" and here is where I have a problem because it will through…
after uploading pdf with .net, how to show thumbnail on my page?
I am able to upload pdf file into cloudinary but on my page the file is not shown because it is not an image. how to show thumbnail of that pdf file in my page?
how to access photo public id including a folder name?
I am trying to delete photos from my API using the photo public id but with one issue, I have the photos inside a folder so the photo public id is something like this: foldername/photoname_dkjshksjhdk and if i try to delete that photo it will bring error file not found as it will treat it as a path rather than public id.…
How can i get all files or images from a folder using angular/.net?
I am trying to get all files inside a folder in cloudinary. I read the documentation but it is writeen for node. var cloudinary = require('cloudinary'); cloudinary.config({ cloud_name: "xx", // add your cloud_name api_key: "xx", // add your api_key api_secret: "xx", // add your api_secret secure: true });…
Can we create a File Manager style through cloudinary?
I am trying to create a file manager component in angular and .NET API using assets from cloudinary. Is that possible?
Third-party cookies will be blocked, how to solve it?
I'm getting this warning when making requests to get images hosted on Cloudinary. class PostImages(models.Model): post = models.ForeignKey(Post, related_name='images', on_delete=models.CASCADE) image = models.ImageField(upload_to='post_images/', storage=MediaCloudinaryStorage()) DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE =…
upload photos to specific folder
Hi, I tried to upload a photo to specific folder and it works fine but when trying to access the photo with the public id that has a folder name included as photo public id I get error. I tried that in postman so it considers the string (photo_public_id) is equal to ("myfolder/hjgshdgjdg) it will conside that as a path not…
Can Cloudinary video pause if scroll out of viewport
Hi ,we are using React, I wanted to know if anywhere in your docs goes over pausing a video if out of the viewport. We are just checking if you have any built in methods for your video player with React. Thanks
"Error: Must supply api_key" in Heroku log
Everything works fine when I run my app on the development side but after I deploy to Heroku and my site is in production, I see in the Heroku logs.. "Error: must supply api_key". Not sure what's happening here, does it have something to do with the "unsigned" setting? I made the update to "Unsigned uploading enabled" but…
v2.uploader.destroy function not wokring
Hi, i am trying to delete a resource from cloudinary using publicId, but its not working. It does console .log 'Resource deleted successfully:', undefined; It's in nest Js Below is my code: private destroy(publicId: string): Promise<void> { console.log('this is public id', publicId); return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>…
Unknown API key
I am creating a mern stack social media app, in which i am taking photos through multer and storing them in cloudinary, but cloudinary is constantly giving this error: Cloudinary Upload Error: { message: "Unknown API key '8799...',", name: 'Error', http_code: 401 }
Refused to load the image because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive:
I used react js and node js for studying project, however after deploy and make npm run build the image could not be show in web frontend however its link received correctly