Issues with Cloudinary URL in upload to Instagram
Hi all,
So I'm having an issue with automating an image upload to Instagram using Zapier.
I'm creating an image URL like this:,q_auto/l_fetch:aHR0cHM6Ly9saDMuZ29vZ2xldXNlcmNvbnRlbnQuY29tL2EvQUVkRlRwNkFZdFVHU1pqRTRXOFBfTGxBdVlqaldBUXdkeTJuR1ozSERJSXM9czEyMC1jLWMweDAwMDAwMDAwLWNjLXJwLW1vLWJyMTAw/h_260,w_260/fl_layer_apply,g_north_west,x_54,y_54/g_north,x_0,y_890,w_1100,c_fit,co_rgb:000000,l_text:Lato_50_center:Ben%20Jacobsom/g_north,x_0,y_400,w_1100,c_fit,co_rgb:000000,l_text:Lato_50_center:Excellent%20job%252C%20very%20professional/
and when trying to load to Instagram I'm getting an error that it can't fetch the URL and it isn't a valid media file. This is overlaying a Google profile image with text or a review on a blank template that's remotely fetched.
Any ideas why this wouldn't work, and any idea on how to fix it? Thanks in advance.
Hi there,
Thanks so much for reaching out.
We have been unable to reproduce this behavior. Would you mind opening a support ticket directly via the following link
In addition to the information you have shared above, please share the exact URL you are trying to upload, so that we can look into the logs on our end to see if we get a more helpful error message. Also, it would be really helpful if you could share a screen recording of your workflow.
Kind Regards,