Occasional corrupt webp image transformations - any idea why?

I'm doing a simple f_auto image transformation on the URL of my image. The original image is a png. After a year or so the webp image is now showing a pink stripe down the far right of the image.
Eg If I look at https://res.cloudinary.com/ds2o5ecdw/image/upload/f_auto/v1645389502/pophist_static/justinian_eye_lowres.png on chrome my laptop, all is fine as it is just the png file. But the same url on the chrome mobile now shows the pink stripe.
This has cropped up on other random images I use too. So it is occasional rather than consistent.
Does anyone have any insight into what is causing it?
And is there any way to easily identify the corrupt image transformations without getting out my phone and manually inspecting them all??
Best Answer
The issue you described sounds like something that was reported to us recently and it appears to affect AVIF images (not WEBP) in Chrome on some specific Android phones - there's a corresponding bug report in Chromium's bug tracker here: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1424089
If so, you may be able to work around the issue by ensuring that the width requested is a multiple of 8 (for example, does this URL work correctly? https://res.cloudinary.com/ds2o5ecdw/image/upload/w_80/f_auto/v1645389502/pophist_static/justinian_eye_lowres.png )
If that's not suitable for you, you could request a non-AVIF output via transformation options, or if you contact us directly via our support site with your account details, we can temporarily disable AVIF as an option for your account when f_auto is used
If that's not the issue, and it's certainly a WEBP in your example, may I please ask for some more information? AFOr example,
- A copy of the exact file that's not rendering correctly, as well as the URL (because f_auto will change the format depending on the requesting device, so we need to know which exact file was returned to the device)
- Details of the browser and browser version
- Device's OS version, and which hardware devices you do/don't see the error on
Thanks Stephen that is exactly it! I guess I am lucky to have a pixel phone which can help me identify the problem...
Very useful to know it is a chromium browser bug not a cloudinary transformation corruption - I didn't realise that cloudinary had switched on AVIF by default these days.