Touch Screen Laptop Product Page Zoom Click not working

ChrisS Member Posts: 5
edited September 2023 in Developer APIs


I have a Surface Book touchscreen laptop and I am currently trying to build a product gallery for my website with a zoom. However, when I have it loaded (zoom type popup, 3 col expanded) the mouse click does not work as it assumes the interaction would be on the screen

This is also not working on the demo page

User Agent - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Device - Surface Book 2

Best Answer


  • ChrisS
    ChrisS Member Posts: 5

    Hi @Tom

    Thank you for the speedy response!

    Just rebuilt with the older version and works perfectly!

    Is there a changelog/release tracker I can keep an eye on for when the latest versions are released to remove the pinned version?

  • Tom
    Tom Member, Cloudinary Staff Posts: 113

    Hi @ChrisS

    Thanks for getting back.

    I'm afraid there isn't a changelog currently but this is in our longterm roadmap.

    For now, I can update you when the fix for this is released.


  • ChrisS
    ChrisS Member Posts: 5

    Hi @Tom That sounds good to me!

    Thank you again for the quick answers and help!

  • Tom
    Tom Member, Cloudinary Staff Posts: 113

    Hi @ChrisS ,

    This has been fixed on the latest version of the widget.

    Please try it out and let us know if there are any issues.

