Problems Implementing cloudinary video play with vue.js
Best Answer
Hi, thanks for your feedback.
I was able to fix it and get it working. The problem was from eslint "no-undef" rule.
Just had to tell it to ignore cloudinary.
Hey TechieStephen,
That error message indicates that there is an issue with how the video player code is being included and can't be found.
Just to double check, have you checked out how to install the cloudinary video player code?
If possible, can you create a codesandbox with your code so we can see the issue and possibly make some changes to offer a solution?
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Hi TechieStephen. Can you guide me how to fix the error ? Thank you very much
this is my code:
const cld = new Cloudinary({ cloud_name: 'manpuku' });
useEffect(() => {
const options = {
sourceTypes: ['hls', 'mp4'],
muted: true,
controls: true,
width: 500,
sourceTransformation: {
hls: [{ streaming_profile: 'full_hd' }],
mp4: [{ quality: 'auto' }],
playbackRates: [0.5, 1, 1.5, 2],
const videoPlayer = cld.videoPlayer('cld-video-player', options);
this is my .eslintrc:
"globals": {
"Cloudinary": "readonly",
"cloudinary": "readonly"