Restriction PDF

JoaquinYmcars Member Posts: 1
edited April 29 in Developer APIs

Hola, me cree una cuenta para practicar y hacer un proyecto web con imagenes incluidas, el tema es que cuando creo el archivo (pdf) y se carga correctamente luego no me permite verlo en la web con la url, no entiendo porque.



  • Cloudinary_John_H
    Cloudinary_John_H Cloudinary Staff Posts: 44

    Hi Joaquin,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    PDF deliver is restricted by default for free acounts. To enable delivery please follow the steps listed here:

    1. Log in to your Cloudinary account.
    2. Navigate to your account’s Security settings page.
    3. Under “PDF and ZIP files delivery”, check the “Allow delivery of PDF and ZIP files” flag.
    4. Press “Save” and accept the terms of service.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.
