Use file format in conditionnal transformation (p.ex: f_svg/fl_sanitize if source is svg)
Is it possible to apply a specific transformation only if the image source is a given format.
My goal is to apply special transformation if source is an svg and another transformation if file source is not an svg
if svg : /fl_sanitize/f_svg
else /w_400,h_400,c_fit/q_auto
I alreay check documentation here
Hi @ZecKa ,
Thanks for reaching out.
So there is no field in conditional transformations that can check an image's format currently.
You could assign an image with an
tag/contextual metadata/structured metadata during upload and use an if statement based on one of those characteristics as per Supported image characteristics.However do note,
is not a supported conditional image transformation parameter as per Supported conditional image transformation parameters and flags.Please let me know if you have any questions.
Kind Regards,