upload videos to s3 bucket

hk123 Member Posts: 1
edited August 2024 in Developer APIs

I am using cloudinary to upload video
api I am using —- >https://api.cloudinary.com/v1_1/———/video/upload

but I want to upload videos to my own s3 bucket , it it possible?



  • Vdeub
    Vdeub Member, Cloudinary Staff Posts: 79

    Hi @hk123

    Cloudinary supports using your own S3 in two separate ways:

    1. For backup purposes, where every original uploaded image is automatically copied to a backup bucket, which can be in your own AWS account, with versioning and recovery API. This is the most common use case.
      Adding your own S3 as a backup is done in self-service through the management console and is available for any paid plan.
    2. The second is to use an S3 bucket owned by you as a complete replacement for Cloudinary's backend storage, including caches, derived images and other metadata. Using your S3 as a backend is available for enterprise plans only, and involves our professional services team and a short setup on our backend. Please note that there are three implications to using your own S3 as backend:
      • Higher overall cost, as you have to pay Amazon for your S3 storage use in addition to the Cloudinary plan.
      • You lose Cloudinary's backup and disaster recovery features, so you would need to manage backups yourself.
      • The backend directory structure is internal and may change without notice as we add features and change our backend behavior and usage of S3.

    Using your own S3 as a full backend is usually required by customers who have regulatory requirements to 'own' their image storage and encrypt it at rest, such as customers in the finance and healthcare industries, however it's perfectly doable if you want to use it for your account if the implications listed above are acceptable.

    I hope this helps.