Unable To Create Subfolders Using Unsigned Preset
Hi Cloudinary team, I'm unable to create a dynamic sub folder using an unsigned preset and the cloudinary API.
My upload preset looks like this:
I'm trying to create dynamic subfolders using a unique id + a new subfolder folder to store the images:
My POST request with the body goes to: https://api.cloudinary.com/v1_1/cloudName/image/upload
My post body is:
- upload_preset: name/properties
- file: (binary)
- resource_type: image
- folder: 1231231/guestrooms
- public_id: test-photo
The response payload is:
{ "asset_id": "91c389085ad0af17ab65cf7fc447176d", "public_id": "1231231/guestrooms/test-photo", "version": 1728933363, "version_id": "18876c725e5fa65353134ebad2ffe97c", "signature": "16f13adfaa1082733f7696ba57f89d49daa529a4", "width": 700, "height": 454, "format": "jpg", "resource_type": "image", "created_at": "2024-10-14T19:16:03Z", "tags": [], "bytes": 120479, "type": "upload", "etag": "f923d8bae6eb146b0932bd323c90162e", "placeholder": false, "url": "http://res.cloudinary.com/name/properties/image/upload/v1728933363/1231231/guestrooms/test-photo.jpg", "secure_url": "https://res.cloudinary.com/name/properties/image/upload/v1728933363/1231231/guestrooms/test-photo.jpg", "asset_folder": name/properties, "display_name": "test-photo", "access_mode": "public", "existing": false, "original_filename": "test-photo" }
However even after adding an asset_folder, folder and changing the public id to create a dynamic subfolder it still doesn't work.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Hi Chai,
Please raise a support ticket here: https://support.cloudinary.com/hc/en-us/requests/new we may have to look into the environment's configuration and will likely need to verify you. Thanks.