Looking to change an object (logo) within a video on scale

Tiranyas Member Posts: 1

Hi guys,

I have a template tutorial video, im looking to change an object (logo) to customize the video to the client,

after im succeeding i would like to connect it to my saas platform to generate his tutorial video using API on scale

can this be done?


  • Cloudinary_John_H
    Cloudinary_John_H Cloudinary Staff Posts: 51

    Hi @Tiranyas ,

    Cool use-case! Can you tell me what format your template video is in currently?

    Yes, we have a few different ways to accomplish changing out the logo in a video.

    The easist is just to overlay a logo as needed. https://cloudinary.com/documentation/video_layers

    In that case, upload your original video, no logo, upload the logo as a separate asset, and the use our overlay capability to add the logo at time of final video production.

    This very simple example using the Cloudinary logo over the middle shows how this is done via URL:

    The logo placement, opacity, etc are all customizable.

    Please check that out and let us know if it would meet your needs.