error:Must supply Api

I have a phase a error when i hit the image upload button my cloudniary connection is a proper statblish i cant identify error in the code i need your favour how can i fix the error and can give me any alternative to check the testing process my connection . I hope u understand my problems and you will be find the solutions soon as soon posible. i attched my screenshot please once a verify that



  • johnr
    johnr Member Posts: 19

    Hi there,

    The 'must supply api_key' error implies that we're not receiving the correct cloud name and API key in the API call made by your app.

    All our SDKs require to be initialized:

      cloud_name: 'my_cloud_name', 
      api_key: 'my_key', 
      api_secret: 'my_secret'

    Do check that the correct values are passed from your env file.

    Hope this helps!