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When I search for "thum" in my Media Library, I find a lot of assets for which the "Containing folder" columns contains "". I guess these assets were added when I didn't make sure to restrict the list of domains from which Cloudinary could fetch assets. I would like to delete all these assets, but when I search…
I'm using nodejs sdk, and I have this simple config in my project: cloudinary.config ({ cloud_name: "testname", api_key: "11223344556677", api_secret: "h64hsh6wh7whs", secure: true, analytics: false, hide_sensitive: true }) const result = await cloudinary.api .resources() .then(result=> console.log(result)); But I'm…
I want to get all image from a folder using: const photoList = await cloudinary.v2.api.resources( { type: "upload", prefix: "<FOLDER_NAME>", metadata: true, }, function (error, result) { console.log(result, error); }, ); I can see the EXIF data from my images in the DAM and I need the DateTimeOriginal from the image's…
Using the search API, I can search by created_at with this expression: "created_at>2023-09-01" But how can I include a timestamp? If I follow the format from this documentation: "created_at>2023-09-01T08:00:00Z" I get the error: "Query Error (at position 25)…
I can search for an empty value in a metadata field with this expression: -metadata=client_award_level I can search for a value in a metadata field with this expression: metadata.material_number="49738066" But I get an error when I try to combine them with 'AND' -metadata=client_award_level AND…
🔎 Searching is not case-sensitive: BEACH beach Beach ..will each return the same results. 🔎 Boolean operands must be specified in all UPPER-CASE: beach AND sand beach OR sand beach NOT sand 🔎 Boolean searching is implied OR: beach sand beach OR sand ..will each return the same results and is designed to allow for…
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