cloudinary.uploader.upload not working
Hi I'm trying to use Cloudinary to store my images in a MERN stack project. So basically I converted my image upload in the front end to a base64 string, have the data:image/jpeg;base64 removed and send them to my API. Now in my Controller file I wrote something like this:
const postDog = async(req,res) => { const {name, type, age, description, image} = req.body; const imageunstripped = 'data:image/jpeg;base64'+image; try{ // console.log(image) const result = await cloudinary.uploader.upload(image,{ overwrite: true, invalidate: true, resource_type: "auto", folder: "Dogs" }) console.log('hello') console.log(result); const dog = await Dog.create({name, type, age, description, image:{ public_id: result.public_id, url: result.secure_url }}); res.status(200).json(dog) } catch (error){ res.status(400).json({error: error.message}) } }
So I want to upload the base64 image to my Cloudinary, and have the result's public_id and secure_url stored in my MongoDB, but I kept being thrown to the catch error, so I tried console.log in my try block to see where the code went wrong and I saw that my console.log('hello') is not running so it must be the await cloudinary.uploader.upload function that went wrong. I'm not sure what I did wrong though because I've read multiple solutions and felt that I did the same way.
For context, I thought that cloudinary should send the image base64 with the data:image/jpeg;base64 included in the string so I tried adding them to the imageunstripped const and upload them to cloudinary but nothing changes.
I also thought that maybe the problem is in my cloudinary config, but I'm not sure I just followed the website's config
My cloudinary.js file looks like this:
const cloudinary = require('cloudinary').v2; // Configuration cloudinary.config({ cloud_name: process.env.CLOUD_NAME, api_key: process.env.CLOUD_KEY, api_secret: process.env.CLOUD_KEY_SECRET }); module.exports = cloudinary;
I also thought maybe my CLOUD_NAME, CLOUD_KEY, and CLOUD_KEY_SECRET was inputted incorrectly, but I tried both keys with enclosing them in " " (as how copying from the cloudinary is) and also removing the " " in the env file.
So I expect that my result can be used to get the public id and the secure url for my MongoDB but I kept failing the cloudinary.uploader.upload function.
Anyways this is my first time asking in the community forum and yeah I'm just starting out as a developer so I'm sorry if I said something wrong
Best Answer
Hi @danny21jaya ,
Thanks for your post. I see that you are performing everything correctly.
One thing I would change is to add a comma after base64 in the imageunstripped constant variable
cloudinary.uploader .upload("") .then(result=>console.log(result));
Please let us know if this works.
Best Regards,