How do my external partners upload their content?

This is a question from our Cloudinary Assets and digital asset management customers that we hear quite often. The answer is that there are a few different ways to support your external partners and agencies to upload content to your Cloudinary instance. These range from:
1) give them a login to your Cloudinary account and a dedicated folder - with adequate security in place - to upload their video, image or raw files.
2) customise and use our Upload Widget in one of your existing webpages and "host" the Upload Widget there.
3) No-code Uploads - this is my favourite answer! Our amazing Solution Architect team have developed a solution to allow you to present an upload portal to your 3rd parties that is so simple to setup and share that you can do it within 10mins. This great Blog post explains the details and gives step-by-step instructions on how to set this up, customise the page with your own fonts, background image, source locations etc. - pretty much everything!
So, what does this all mean? Well it means that regardless of your company's size and technical resource skills, there shouldn't be any barrier to having all your content in Cloudinary which is exactly where you want it.
Stay safe and all the best!
Hope this post is helpful. Leave a comment if there's any questions.