A couple questions about curl for rtmp

Skyesweb Member Posts: 4
edited August 2023 in Developer APIs

So live streaming has been in Beta almost how long I've been working with my OTT. I used to be able to get the curl rtmp example working and I can't find anything in the forum about live streaming. Is no one streaming live anymore? Is there anyone I can get a quick call into so I can ask some basic questions?

This is the curl statement in the examples and what i've been using (with my account name and preset and all of course)

curl -vvv --request POST 'https://api.cloudinary.com/v1_1/cloudname/video/upload' --form 'file=@live_manifest.json' --form 'upload_preset=pleasehelpme-live'

I'm using windows powershell with curl 8.0.1 installed and working and it just keeps throwing errors about the parameters used in the above call??

Btw, the webrtc example doesn't work either. On the codebox example (or whatever it was) on your example on cloudinarys site and the github html example??

I'm sure someone's had success.. anyone? anyone? bueller? bueller?

thnx ahead


  • moip
    moip Cloudinary Staff Posts: 4

    Hi there,

    Thanks for contacting us.

    If you are using the curl example from https://cloudinary.com/documentation/video_live_streaming_rtmp#:~:text=Here%20is%20a%20cURL%20example%20for%20the%20request%3A, would you kindly confirm:



  • Skyesweb
    Skyesweb Member Posts: 4

    Yes and yes and as I said it doesn't like the parameters.. "POST", --form. At first I thought it might be that curl was no longer on my dev box but it is. Could you please check my account and look at my public_id that I am using for "live" is a very old public_id but it should be working still and indicates that in my dashboard. Also please address my question as to why your webrtc examples aren't working?

    I would really love a quick zoom call with you or one of the techs available and all my questions will be answered in less than 10 mins?

    It has worked before in the past for me but I switched to dacast for live events because your live has been in beta forever evvverrr. I decided to try again but...

  • DannyFromCloudinary
    DannyFromCloudinary Member, Cloudinary Staff Posts: 154

    Hey, Danny from the Support team here.

    Could you please share with us the exact output you get when trying the curl? As you're using the -vvv flag, we should be able to determine the root cause from the output. I'll happily check the asset on your account too, but I'll need your cloud name for that please. Unfortunately due to system limitations, I can't retrieve it from your forum account.

    For security and privacy's sake, you would be welcome to submit this information in a ticket if you would prefer, which you can do so here.

    Many thanks,


  • Skyesweb
    Skyesweb Member Posts: 4

    I think curl is corrupt on my dev box.. i'll get back with ya'

  • Skyesweb
    Skyesweb Member Posts: 4

    Ok, after messing with the curl example (finally got new version installed) that you guys have on your page (taking out single quotes and such, not sure if thats right but at least it started reading the curl line) the error now says... "message":"Upload preset must be whitelisted for unsigned uploads". I'll go ahead and make a ticket on this so I can give you the name of my preset and perhaps you can find out whats up.


  • DannyFromCloudinary
    DannyFromCloudinary Member, Cloudinary Staff Posts: 154

    No worries. If you'd like me to look into this personally, please let me know the ticket number and I'll be happy to help!

    All the best,
