Question about using the React media editor and image upload widget
hi I'm trying to create React so that my Media Editor opens right away to let the user edit the picture that was just uploaded using the Upload widget. I try to run mediaEditorWidgetRef.getConfig(), but it always returns undefined, and when I try to run mediaEditorWidgetRef.show(), it always gives the error "Cannot read…
How to upload an image from cdn url in cloudinary?
The cdn url of the image is given. When I am trying to upload image from cdn it gives filenotfound exception. The code snippet is given below- Map result =…
Trying to upload multiple images, but can get only one uploaded,
const Upload = () => { async function handleOnSubmit(event: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) { event.preventDefault(); const form = event.currentTarget; const fileInput = form.elements.namedItem('getImage') as HTMLInputElement; const formData = new FormData(); let arrayFiles; if (fileInput) arrayFiles = fileInput.files ?…
Issue with image upload in production
In production we encounter the bug in the screenshot above when trying to upload images to cloudinary. but in development we don't and everything works fine and we've setup the exact same environment on production as it on development to try and find out the root source of the error all to no avail. Our stack is the main…
Why are some of my uploads silently failing the first time or two?
I am using a Next.js API route (i.e. server-side function) to upload a raw file to a specific location within my Cloudinary account. Here is the code: import { v2 as cloudinary } from 'cloudinary' import { Readable } from 'stream'; export default async function uploadInfoJSON(req, res) { console.log("enter upload…
How can I get progress of file uploading from uploader.upload_stream and pass it to api
I'm developing nextjs app with api routes, I have a route to upload file to cloudinary localhost/api/files/upload. There I send files with axios and receive axios uploadProgressEvent to display it on web page. I see that progress works fine when I upload file to api route, at 100% upload I need to wait more because file is…
Lazy async moderation / Retrigger moderation
I want to use Amazon Rekognition plugin in the following way: User uploads photo to Cloudinary and moves on using the site; Cloudinary lazily moderates the uploaded photo asynchronously; When finished, Cloudinary sends the results to a server endpoint via webhook; Server does further processing. But right now, if I use…
A couple questions about curl for rtmp
So live streaming has been in Beta almost how long I've been working with my OTT. I used to be able to get the curl rtmp example working and I can't find anything in the forum about live streaming. Is no one streaming live anymore? Is there anyone I can get a quick call into so I can ask some basic questions? This is the…
How to specify maximum duration in an incoming transformation
Hi, I'm adding an incoming transformation in my unsigned upload preset to set a maximum duration of 9 sec per video whenever a video is uploaded client-side. So, if user uploads a video>9 sec, the video duration would be cut to 9 sec. I'm using the conditional field in the incoming transformation section to set this up:…
Live Training Sessions on Cloudinary's Digital Asset Management Systems in August
Super excited to announce that Cloudinary is running several upcoming Digital Asset Management training classes! If you and your teams want to learn the basics of uploading and managing files in Cloudinary's systems, these virtual live sessions will be perfect. 🌎 Tuesday, August 15th from 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m., Pacific time…
I can’t upload large images
I am having issues uploading large images to cloudinary, when I upload files less than 500kb everything work fine, but when I try to upload files from 1mb and above it times out and return this error: could not decode base64 please what is wrong or what should I do
In Upload Widget, unable for uses to connect to Facebook or Instagram
Hello - I implemented window.cloudinary.createUploadWidget into my app. Sources like Google drive work. But when I try to use Facebook and Instagram I am hit with the following errors: FB Error: IG Error:
Nested folders failing to upload in widget
I've set up signed uploads with my upload widget. When I drag a single folder into the uploader, everything works fine. When I drag a nested folder into the uploader, it fails with a lot of 'invalid signature' errors. I swear this was working before, I don't know what changed. I think before (a few days ago?) it was…
Cloudinary Upload Widget And Video Player Inquiry
I made a custom video player using Cloudinary & imported the upload widget into my react app. How would I go about having users upload/post with the mp4 file playing on my custom video player, inside the app? Like, when they upload the video then hits "done", it posts inside my react app.
Upload Widget abnorting after crop
I have set up the widget with the following parameters (this is React based): sources: ['local', 'camera'], cropping: true, multiple: false, resourceType: 'image' After I resize an image in the widget and press the crop button, it appears to crop the image onscreen, then the widget closes itself. An image is uploaded, but…
Signature generation for UploadWidget
I have currently implemented the upload feature in our web app (Angular) using the official upload widget. I have created an uploadPreset that includes the signature and configured my code to generate a backend signature. Below is the frontend code implementation: javascript this.myWidget = cloudinary.createUploadWidget( {…
build error: coffee-script module not found
Hi all, I'm getting this build error: "./node_modules/vm2/lib/compiler.js Module not found: Can't resolve 'coffee-script' in '/Users/me/my-project/node_modules/vm2/lib" I'm trying to use the Node SDK in a Next.js 13 Api route, intending to upload an image, the Api route looks like this: import { NextRequest, NextResponse }…
How do my external partners upload their content?
This is a question from our Cloudinary Assets and digital asset management customers that we hear quite often. The answer is that there are a few different ways to support your external partners and agencies to upload content to your Cloudinary instance. These range from: 1) give them a login to your Cloudinary account and…
Upload encrypted PDF via UI
Hi community, how do I upload an encrypted PDF into the media library? Via UI, not via API. I tried to upload it in the regular way, but it failed. So I understood from manual that cloudinary needs to handle it as a RAW file. But in UI there seems to be no option to declare an upload as RAW, if it is a known format like…
Error message "Missing required parameter - api_key"
I'm attempting to do a signed upload using the Cloudinary widget. I'm creating a signature for the request on the backed in PHP using the PHP Cloudinary SDK. My backend signing code is: $options = array( "cloud_name" => [*my cloud name*], "api_key" => [*my api key*], "api_secret" => [*my api secret*], ); $timestamp =…
How do I resize an image on upload via a signed URL?
Hi, apologies if this question already has been asked but I searched the docs and did not find an answer or everything I tried resulted in an error. I am currently generating a signed upload URL as follows on the server: ` const signature = cloudinary.utils.api_sign_request( { timestamp }, CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET );` Then,…
Can cloudinary images work within power bi
I am adding the below code as a measure to d3.js cutom visual in power bi. however it is not giving me any image neither the script has errors. Can cloudinary images be displayed as visual in power bi. if yes, HOW? <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"…
I cannot upload image using unsigned upload, and I don't know why. here's my code
if(pics.type === "image/jpeg" || pics.type === "image/png"){ const data = new FormData(); data.append("file", pics); data.append("upload_preset","chat-app"); data.append("cloud_name", "myfapiassesment"); fetch("https://api.cloudinary.com/v1_1/myfapiassesment/image/upload", { method:"post", body: data, }).then((res) =>…
Uploading with the same public id
Hi there. I am trying to have an image accessible at a certain link: "/upload/public_id" and for that to be overrideable and for the new image to completely replace the old, and be accessible by the same link. The problem I currently have is that the first image for a certain URL will work as expected but then further…
Upload Widget: Set default filters values in Advanced (Relevance and Orientation)
How can I set those filters to a given default value? Thanks.
cloudinary.uploader.upload not working
Hi I'm trying to use Cloudinary to store my images in a MERN stack project. So basically I converted my image upload in the front end to a base64 string, have the data:image/jpeg;base64 removed and send them to my API. Now in my Controller file I wrote something like this: const postDog = async(req,res) => { const {name,…
i deployed my django webapp on pythonanywhere but users cant upload images sucessfully to cloudinary
Unexpected error - MaxRetryError("TCPKeepAliveHTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.cloudinary.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1_1/dug5dj4uz/image/upload (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f2279fdc580>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection…
How can I upload images and videos and get the url as a response using django-rest-framework?
Hi, please help me out. models.py class Posts(models.Model): image = models.ImageField(null=False) video = models.FileField( null=False, validators=[FileExtensionValidator(allowed_extensions=['MOV','AVI','MP4','WebM'])]) title = models.CharField(max_length=50) about = models.TextField() serializers.py class…
Uploading issue using cloudinary.uploader.upload
I am using cloudinary in my node.js express server. When i use the line "const result = await cloudinary.uploader.upload(`path`);" i get the correct response the first time i run the code in my server. When i try and make another request to my server i get the following error "{ message: 'Empty file', name: 'Error',…
Uploading images and saving urls in database
Hi, I need to make a feature for users to be able to upload an image and then get the url from this image and save it to database so I can map over it and display it in my app. So far I understand that uploading the files from frontend can be done with cloudinary widget but how to get url back? I am using next.js and…
Is it possible to limit access to a specific folder using the Upload and/or Media Library Widget?
Hello everyone, I'm building an application where my clients are able to upload images to Cloudinary. In order to make their experience better I would like to use the Upload Widget as well as the Media Library Widget. But I don't want them to have access to all images, only to those they have uploaded. My idea was to…
Uploading SVGs
Hi, when I upload an SVG to my folder it is converted into an 'Authenticated' asset an I am unable to get a public URL. Can I convert I into public? Thanks
Special character within metadata in signed api upload
Hello guys, I've built an application to upload files through the signed api upload. The upload works perfect. Now I would like to extend the upload with metadata. I've created different structured metadata fields, e.g. sku, year and product name. Using sku and year works smooth. But if I use the field product_name which…
Can I run the Cloudinary-AI-Background Removal from a React function
I am trying to call the Cloudinary-AI-Background removal from a function in my Nextjs project. My plan is to upload the image using the upload widget and remove the background with a button, i also want to get the URL of this new optimized image so I can store it on my database and display it in my application. Can this be…
Can I use cloudinary in bulk?
I have a music website. Anyone can download mp3 songs from this website. This website has a lot of songs with low-quality pictures. I want to deal with them. Can I use Cloudinary for bulk pictures at the same time?