Third-party cookies will be blocked, how to solve it?
I'm getting this warning when making requests to get images hosted on Cloudinary. class PostImages(models.Model): post = models.ForeignKey(Post, related_name='images', on_delete=models.CASCADE) image = models.ImageField(upload_to='post_images/', storage=MediaCloudinaryStorage()) DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE =…
upload photos to specific folder
Hi, I tried to upload a photo to specific folder and it works fine but when trying to access the photo with the public id that has a folder name included as photo public id I get error. I tried that in postman so it considers the string (photo_public_id) is equal to ("myfolder/hjgshdgjdg) it will conside that as a path not…
Can Cloudinary video pause if scroll out of viewport
Hi ,we are using React, I wanted to know if anywhere in your docs goes over pausing a video if out of the viewport. We are just checking if you have any built in methods for your video player with React. Thanks
"Error: Must supply api_key" in Heroku log
Everything works fine when I run my app on the development side but after I deploy to Heroku and my site is in production, I see in the Heroku logs.. "Error: must supply api_key". Not sure what's happening here, does it have something to do with the "unsigned" setting? I made the update to "Unsigned uploading enabled" but…
v2.uploader.destroy function not wokring
Hi, i am trying to delete a resource from cloudinary using publicId, but its not working. It does console .log 'Resource deleted successfully:', undefined; It's in nest Js Below is my code: private destroy(publicId: string): Promise<void> { console.log('this is public id', publicId); return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>…
Unknown API key
I am creating a mern stack social media app, in which i am taking photos through multer and storing them in cloudinary, but cloudinary is constantly giving this error: Cloudinary Upload Error: { message: "Unknown API key '8799...',", name: 'Error', http_code: 401 }
Refused to load the image because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive:
I used react js and node js for studying project, however after deploy and make npm run build the image could not be show in web frontend however its link received correctly
Named transformation with user-defined variables not working
I'm working with Strict Transformations mode disabled and I'm trying the following named transformation (portfolio_color_replacement) with user-defined variables: My original image looks like this: If I try to use the replace color effect like this…
Does Cloudinary support Image(photo) comparison & recognition?
Assume I have a bunch of photos/images uploaded in Cloudinary. I have a new photo/image and want to check if that photo/image is already there. Is there way to ask Cloudinary to compare and recognize. The object for comparison can be a photo of a human face or image of a building, flower pot etc .... We are using…
Invalid JSON response from server
Hello. So in my Spring application I have this CloudinaryService class with this function that's supposed to take a Base64-enconded image and upload it to Cloudinary: public String uploadFileFromBase64(String base64) { try { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Map uploadedFile = cloudinary.uploader().upload(base64, // the error…
Why are my images not showing once deployed?
Images are loading on localhost, but when deployed to heroku no images. Not even css background images. I have my env variables set in another webapp with the same keys. It works fine on the other app that is also deployed to heroku.
API call limit per month
Good day, I would like to know what effect would reaching the 25 000 API calls per month have on the free plan. Will it not allow me to make anymore API calls for the month or would it throttle my subsequent API calls? I only wish to use Cloudinary to host images and provide the direct link so the images can be imported by…
facing the error of SOCKET connection Timeout
im trying to upload a local disk image to cloudinary by using multer(upload) as a middleware. code const uploadOnCloudinary = async (localFilePath) => { try { if (!localFilePath) return null //upload the file on cloudinary const response = await cloudinary.uploader.upload(localFilePath, { resource_type: "auto" }) // file…
Is it possible to highlight specific words within subtitles of the video?
Hi. We're looking at Cloudinary to transform videos. We were able to set up a bunch of transformations via API and SDK. We also generated and added subtitles to a video (via SRT-file). But a very important thing for us is to be able to highlight specific words in subtitles. We know that it's possible to customize the whole…
Make file available upon user button click.
Using Node.js/Next.js. My API grabs some data, generates an excel file and then uploads the file to Cloudinary. When the user clicks a button I need the excel file to be available to them for download. It appears the excel file link is saved in result.secure_url. I'm stuck on how to get this link into a clickable button. I…