Blur number plates
Hi, If I have an image of a vechile say a car, is it possible to blur its number plates. I have been through the documentation of the OCR add-on. But in that you need to identify the location of the plate and give the transform parameters to blur it. But what I am looking for is an automated one. Like if I have a batch of…
accessing pdf files
Hi, im new to the use of cloudinary. so im using it for my nextjs 14 website that is able to handle basic crud operations. im facing a problem where i cant access the pdf file and it says Error Failed to load PDF document. in the url of the saved file. ive already tick the box that allows me to upload pdf and zip file. why…
aws_rek is rejecting my assets, no matter what.
I have been trying everything. Got categories from cloudrinary documentaion, got from AWS, set them to ignore, set them to 0.99 - nothing worked. The whole thing started because I wanted to limit explicit nudity and allow bikini and suggestive stuff. Map<String, Object> options = new HashMap<>(); options.put("folder",…
What does the error means: "live in upload is currently deprecated"
I got this error using either REST API or Nodejs SDK, but cann't find explanations on any document😭
success in deleting but...
I recently made an API with Cloudinary and NodeJS, of course, this API has the function to delete images, but when I went to test it, there was always a problem. The API returns 200, it seems like everything is perfect, but if I go to Cloudinary, it didn't delete anything. In fact, the image is still there. Could someone…
Using Preview
Using the preview is awesome and fits my needs. My workflow so far is I upload a video, create the transcript and allow the user to either give me a preview of either 15 or 30 seconds. I was using the auto generated transcript to show subtitles outside the video. However since the preview is a shortened version of the…
PDF file not Opening via link
Hey, I am not able to open pdf by link provided to me on upload of raw type file , on opeing i get on webpage. This page isn’t workingIf the problem continues, contact the site owner. HTTP ERROR 401 On media file when i open pdf file i see error {"error":{"message":"Customer is marked as…
Unable To Create Subfolders Using Unsigned Preset
Hi Cloudinary team, I'm unable to create a dynamic sub folder using an unsigned preset and the cloudinary API. My upload preset looks like this: name/properties I'm trying to create dynamic subfolders using a unique id + a new subfolder folder to store the images: /123123/venues/someimage.jpg…
from where i get the api keys
Pdf problem
I have a folder that contains many subfolders. Each subfolder contains images and PDFs. I created a preset_img that converts all image types to JPG and a preset_pdf that doesn't modify anything. When I manually upload the folders, the PDFs are being converted using preset_img. The resource type is detected as "image" even…
Unable to upload file to cloudinary from my backend application
I am building a node.js application using Express in my window system and when I try to upload a file from my server to Cloudinary I get this error Please help me to figure out this error…
Making a document type like raw link not auto download
As a backend developer using nodejs and express, I want to make sure that the link generated from cloudinary for document should be a view link instead of an auto download, how do I do this, I already added the attachment like this flags: 'attachment:false',
Replacement Responsive Image Breakpoints Generator
I am not a developer and I was trying to install the open sourced Responsive Image Breakpoints Generator. It has been 3 years since any changed were made. I had to abandon my work because I don't know anything about developer work. I decided to write my own version of the generator. By I write, I mean AI writes. It lets…
Pdf url is not working/opening
Hello devs I have been working on a project and I wanted to fetch and save pdf from the user into the database. The images url are working fine but the pdf urls are not working even when. They are successfully getting saved into the database though. But the link is just not working. Could anyone provide me with the…
Image not getting deleted
I am trying to delete an image. It says that the image is not found but it still opens on the cloudinary_url. >>> cloudinary.uploader.destroy("user_cls1hjqjd00004enqgohyclng_profile_image") {'result': 'not found'} >>> cloudinary.utils.cloudinary_url("user_cls1hjqjd00004enqgohyclng_profile_image")…