How do i fix the error: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused'))")
I have currently deployed my django-app via python anywhere.However despite proper configuration the error persist. I have reviewed possible solution on stack overflow but non seems to work. Below is the code snippet in settings.py: Here are server error.logs in python anywhere.: here is further test that had done to debug…
Error Trying to upload from cloud.
I made a django app to upload images to cloudinary. The upload works fine on localmachine, but when I uploaded my project to python anywhere, I started getting the folllowing error. { "status": "false", "error": "Unexpected error - MaxRetryError("TCPKeepAliveHTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.cloudinary.com', port=443): Max…
PDF Files Error
I'm using cloudinary as my default file storage for my django project. If I upload images from my application to cloudinary, I can get to view the uploaded image from the particular object's url. However, if I upload pdfs and I try viewing the uploaded pdf from application, I get the error "This page isn’t working If the…
Third-party cookies will be blocked, how to solve it?
I'm getting this warning when making requests to get images hosted on Cloudinary. class PostImages(models.Model): post = models.ForeignKey(Post, related_name='images', on_delete=models.CASCADE) image = models.ImageField(upload_to='post_images/', storage=MediaCloudinaryStorage()) DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE =…
How do I get metadata ( width and height) of a cloudinary resource in Django
I'm using cloudinaryfield to upload images and videos in my app. I need a way to get the width abd height of the images abd videos uploaded. I can't find any attribute on CloudinaryResource class that can help. And calling the api for the metadata makes my server slow and I get rate limited. Does cloudinaryfield store the…
Images not found
Hi, I'm a student and I'm facing some difficulties, the images from my Django project do not appear in Cloudinary, consequently, they do not open on the server, it was not found. What can it be? How to solve?
How do I allow users to upload images to my site by clicking the Upload button. ? I'm using python S
How do I allow users to upload images to my site by clicking the Upload button. ? I'm using python SDK. I'm working on a Django project. And when we click on download, it doesn't work. The browser returns an error message: "file not available on this site". How to fix this problem ?
Frontend js SDK implimentation with backend SDK
I hope this message finds you well. I recently reached out to your team regarding the implementation of the Cloudinary upload widget in conjunction with a Django Python backend server. Thank you for your prompt response; it was greatly appreciated. However, I still have a question regarding the integration process. I'm…
Django ckeditor not working
Cant upload images with ckeditor.
i deployed my django webapp on pythonanywhere but users cant upload images sucessfully to cloudinary
Unexpected error - MaxRetryError("TCPKeepAliveHTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.cloudinary.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1_1/dug5dj4uz/image/upload (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f2279fdc580>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection…
How can I upload images and videos and get the url as a response using django-rest-framework?
Hi, please help me out. models.py class Posts(models.Model): image = models.ImageField(null=False) video = models.FileField( null=False, validators=[FileExtensionValidator(allowed_extensions=['MOV','AVI','MP4','WebM'])]) title = models.CharField(max_length=50) about = models.TextField() serializers.py class…
After connecting cloudinary with my django backend project it fails after sometime
After connecting Cloudinary with my Django backend project I was able to upload images to my project and after sometime of using it, this is the error i see when ever i try to upload my images for my products: raise Error("Error parsing server response (%d) - %s. Got - %s" % (response.status, response.data, e))…
I get TypeError in my Django project when Debug=False
so I have this Django project, using django-cloudinary-storage . But when I turn on the Debug, I get this error saying : TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not NoneType. I don't understand what I did wrong. could you take a look at the traceback and see what went wrong? Thanks. If you need any further…
I can't find admin/js/jquery.js file in my Django project.
So I'm using django-cloudinary-storage library, and recently got into an error when Debug=False. I was looking into the issue and found out that there is no admin/js/jquery.js file. All the other static files are located in that specific folder, all hashed as the all should be. But I there was no admin/js/jquery.js file,…
I can't find jquery.js file in my Django project
So I've been having an error in my Django project, which happens when I turn off the Debug and run the project. (I'm using django-cloudinary-storage library.) I was digging into the issue, and found out that there was no admin/js/jquery.js file in my staticfiles folder. All the other static files are located in the folder,…