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When I search for "thum" in my Media Library, I find a lot of assets for which the "Containing folder" columns contains "". I guess these assets were added when I didn't make sure to restrict the list of domains from which Cloudinary could fetch assets. I would like to delete all these assets, but when I search…
Hello guys, what is the best way (if possible with cloudinary) to share hundreds of assets to a public audience, where we can organize the assets in "folders". If we use collection, than the collection is "flat" and we find no way to organize the assets. Our sales team should be able, to find the right asset for the right…
Hi, I am having issue connecting to cloudinary to fetch images inside folder. All other requests inside postman works fine, except this, I keep getting 404 html response. Please tell me what I did wrong here. Thank you Postman API:
Hi, How to move an image from one folder to another programatically using .net and your API? I found this article but it is not for .net
I'm trying to download a folder by logging into Cloudinary. Immediately upon right clicking the folder and selecting download, I get two alerts -- one that zip file is being generated and another that says "this folder is empty, there is nothing to download." Needless to say, nothing ever downloads. The folder has less…
import { v2 as cloudinary } from "cloudinary"; const public_id = 'samples/sea-turtle'; const asset1 = await cloudinary.api.resource(public_id); const asset2 = await cloudinary.api.resource('s:' + encodeURI(public_id)); const asset3 = await cloudinary.api.resource('s64:' + btoa(public_id)); neither of the above resource…
I am testing Cloudinary with "fetch", like this:,w_320/f_auto/q_auto/ And it goes fine, but the images are stored in the home of my account and I want it to be stored in a folder as it can be done in "upload". For example I…
Our team has recently encountered an issue where we're unable to upload images to a specific folder. When prompted to receive information as to why we receive the following notification, "Folder must not end in a whitespace." We've never experienced any problems with the folder before so it's a bit perplexing as to why we…
Just want to know how can i find this folder which is creating problem and delete this one. it was working fine and it suddenly started throwing error problem is that we have multiple folders created but not sure which one is creating problem thats why need help to find that one and delete it thanks Regards Usama
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