Uploading Files with Incoming Transformations in Postman
I've duplicated the Postman collection and now I'm trying to upload images with the q_auto transformation like this - (with a file selected obviously) No matter what I set the quality too though, I always get a "file size too large" error, showing the same file size for the uploaded file. I can't figure out whether that's…
I have a weird error
at the beginning everything worked very well and then I found this error although I didn't change anything in the code : Success:{statusCode: 400, message: "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'v2')"}message: "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'v2')"statusCode: 400[[Prototype]]: Object can i help me…
Why do some files get uploaded while others say "Could not decode base54"?
I have worked with Cloudinary's API for a few years so I'm basically doing the same thing I've always done, but I'm encountering this new issue. I uploaded avif, jpegs, etc and everything worked fine. Then I tried to upload a png which was created from a screenshot on my Macbook. It kept saying Bad Request 400 Could not…
I cannot upload images on cloudinary using node js and postman and my credentials are also correct
{ url: undefined, asset_id: undefined, public_id: undefined } this is what i get
APIs : cloudinary.uploader().updateMetadata & cloudinary.api().update not working !
Hello dears ! I'm using Java SDK and facing issues with the mentioned APIs and get stuck : 1- uploader().dateMetadata : the callApi behind this method returns 404 error and looks like the not found html content is returned then updateMetadata end up with this exception Invalid JSON response from server A JSONObject text…
How can I know that the processing of the uploaded image is completed?
How can I know that the processing of the uploaded image is completed?
Some images are 404, some are gone totally
We have been doing some testing on our production instance where we notice that there are so many 404s that has been working before, then suddenly is not. Also, there are some folders where the images inside was completely deleted. We are using the upload API endpoint for uploading…
"Private media assets" vs "Token-based authentication" What is the difference?
Hi there Thanks for reaching out. Im trying to upload my image/video as private to restrict access from guest, then i create an Url for that image/video with expired time for specific user (like for sombody logged in my system) I did that by using Providing time-limited access to private media assets. But i also hear about…
How to wait until update_stream() finishes?
Hello guys, i am facing the problem, that my backend server is executing the return-Statement before actually finishing the upload_stream()-method. The code: app.post('/changeAvatar', upload.single('file'), async (req, res) => { let url = ""; let cld_upload_stream = cloudinary.uploader.upload_stream( { folder: "avatar" },…
Upload fails with 403
hey all, i have been trying to upload to cloudinary via strapi upload provider. but it seem to fail while i have the right credentials in environment variables what am i missing?
Coonect Airtable with Cloudinary for uploading images using API
Hey everyone! So we need a script and API to upload the images to Cloudinary from Airtable, get the cloudinary images URLs in to Airtable. The images you see in Airtable comes from an API and the images can change. So let us say that one image gets deleted or added from the API, we need to reflect this change in Cloudinary…
Can SEO Suffixes be used to trigger transformations?
When a single image be used with several different SEO suffixes, can each of those suffixes transform that image to an image with different resolutions? The help page suggests (to me) this is possible but I cannot get it to work. Thanks Mark
Upload from non-Express Node.js server
I have tried a bunch of different ways to upload images, successfully using the upload widget using signed and unsigned versions. I'm also able to upload an image not using the upload widget using a generated signature returned from our server. One thing I would like to figure out is a solution where I send an image to our…
Uploading with Nextjs server action + cloudinary SDK
I dont know how to convert file to something else so it can be uploaded though using cloudinary.uploader.upload async function myAction(formData: FormData) { 'use server' const file = formData.get('getImage') formData.forEach((value, key) => { if (key === 'getImage') { const a = value as File; const blob =…
Trying to upload multiple images, but can get only one uploaded,
const Upload = () => { async function handleOnSubmit(event: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) { event.preventDefault(); const form = event.currentTarget; const fileInput = form.elements.namedItem('getImage') as HTMLInputElement; const formData = new FormData(); let arrayFiles; if (fileInput) arrayFiles = fileInput.files ?…
Issue with image upload in production
In production we encounter the bug in the screenshot above when trying to upload images to cloudinary. but in development we don't and everything works fine and we've setup the exact same environment on production as it on development to try and find out the root source of the error all to no avail. Our stack is the main…
Why are some of my uploads silently failing the first time or two?
I am using a Next.js API route (i.e. server-side function) to upload a raw file to a specific location within my Cloudinary account. Here is the code: import { v2 as cloudinary } from 'cloudinary' import { Readable } from 'stream'; export default async function uploadInfoJSON(req, res) { console.log("enter upload…
Why are my public ID's invalid?
I am using the JavaScript Cloudinary API to upload images and store them on the cloud. Sometimes, I will get an error for having an invalid public_id. Here is an error I recently received - { message: 'public_id ( The Unforgettable Journey10_0) is invalid', name: 'Error', http_code: 400 } Another error - { message:…
How can I get progress of file uploading from uploader.upload_stream and pass it to api
I'm developing nextjs app with api routes, I have a route to upload file to cloudinary localhost/api/files/upload. There I send files with axios and receive axios uploadProgressEvent to display it on web page. I see that progress works fine when I upload file to api route, at 100% upload I need to wait more because file is…
Sometimes the cloudinary API uploader throws an error trying to upload base64 svg...
Hello! I know that to upload the base64 image I need to use this format ... but sometimes it doesn't work, could you help me? This image works fine: `first.txt` I used these options folder: 'contracts/0x0747118c9f44c7a23365b2476dcd05e03114c747' overwrite:true…
Cloudinary Postman collections to make it easier to try our APIs
Postman is a popular tool for running REST API requests, whether it's to get a feel for the request and response parameters or maybe even for automation. We're a big fan at Cloudinary and so we've created our own public workspace with a set of collections that you can fork and use to test out various API calls. To get…
When using upload_large it still results in a 413 response
I followed this older post* about timing out due to leveraging large content so I followed the docs to leverage upload_large. I've tried changing the chunk size from 6MB to 5MB with no success. I've also changed the timeout to 3 minutes to no avail. Any ideas on how to fix this?…
Does the upload widgets "clientAllowedFormats" fire any kind of event when it restricts an upload?
Hello, I have a use-case where I need to dynamically restrict the upload-format of the Upload widget on the client side, depending on the format of another file. I've got that part down, I now need to notify the user of why an upload was restricted at all (i.e. that the two file formats don't match). For that I would first…
how do I upload a image to cloudinary via Unity c#. 502 Bad Gateway
this is a test upload to get it working. The cloudName ,apikey, apiSecret are fake. Error Code 502 Bad Gateway on calling UploadImage(); using System.Collections; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; public class ImageUploader : MonoBehaviour { public string cloudName = "ddfthjydfn"; // public string apiKey =…
whenever i try to upload file in cloudinary it does not complete and throw a error
//code require("dotenv").config(); const cloudinary = require("cloudinary").v2; const { CloudinaryStorage } = require("multer-storage-cloudinary"); //configure cloudinary cloudinary.config({ cloud_name: process.env.CLOUDINARY_NAME, api_key: process.env.CLOUDINARY_KEY, api_secret: process.env.CLOUDINARY_SECRET, });…
Image URL not showing in my database
Hi, so when I upload an image to a product in my database, I get a status of 200 with the response below. { "data": { "image": "http://res.cloudinary.com/xxxxxxxx/image/upload/v16xxxxxxxxx/mealyProduct-images/ps7tjixxxxxxxxxxxx", "public_id": "mealyProduct-images/ps7tji7xxxxxxxxxxx" }, "status": "success",…
File extensions (Unrelated)
Hi there all of you guys. Thank you for helping me .
Client Side Signed Upload - Upload Widget Or Not
Hello All: I want to enable my users to upload a profile image to cloudinary directly without it hitting my servers. I am trying to use the Upload Widget. However where do I specify the signature? My server is returning the signature. Do I also return a timestamp? The documentation is very mixed up about all this. Once I…
I can't upload via n8n. Can someone help me? please
I'm receiving a file via elevenlabs and trying to upload it via http, but it always gives an error due to the lack of a preset, but I've redone the node several times with the help of chatgpt, but nothing works Where should I add the preset? I can't do it at all, what should I do? I haven't been able to for days Sorry if…
Is it possible to change the upload presets of an asset, without deleting it ?
I need to change the upload preset of an asset, without deleting it? Is it possible to change it via SDK's ?
cloudinary.uploader.upload not working
Hi I'm trying to use Cloudinary to store my images in a MERN stack project. So basically I converted my image upload in the front end to a base64 string, have the data:image/jpeg;base64 removed and send them to my API. Now in my Controller file I wrote something like this: const postDog = async(req,res) => { const {name,…
Select image from upload widget
Hi, I'm using javascript to upload images/videos to my cloudinary cloud using the upload widget. I'd like to select one of the images from my cloudinary cloud folder when using the upload widget. Just like we can select images from other sources like unsplash/google images etc thanks
How I can upload image in to cloudinary images using react?
I'm building a project for practice purposes and I want to host my media assets on this platform. I created an Image preset, everything is working fine. I just want to upload it with mern stack and Axios but I'm not able to find the API URL to upload the media. Please help to get this resolve
Is it safe to have cloud name and preset in front end code? Upload question
I have made an app with the MERN stack. I am using the url endpoint to allow users to upload images to my cloudinary, and then the data from that gets put into a mongodb database which I pull information from. I have the cloud name and preset in my .env file, but .env variables get put into the build folder anyway so it…
Upload image fails with error "dial tcp: lookup api.cloudinary.com: no such host"
Hello I have been trying to upload to cloudinary via golang sdk. but sometimes it seems to fail after several requests (sometimes it works, other times it doesn't). I run the app in localhost (windows) and without vpn. error message: "https://api.cloudinary.com/v1_1/dd6mdlpgj/auto/upload": dial tcp: lookup…
Unable to upload an image to cloudinary through programmatic api upload
Hi! I have been able to upload images through cloudinary upload api. However there is one image that keep giving me "Invalid image file" and I am trying to figure out why. It is a GIF file so it should be a valid image, and I do set "resource_type: image". You can download the image from here…
Query on implementing Image upload Widget & Media Editor Widget in React
hey folks.. I'm looking to achieve a React implementation where my Media Editor opens straight to allow the user to edit the pic that's just uploaded via Upload widget (i.e. following the e.g. in https://codesandbox.io/s/uw-mew-forked-dudee6?file=/src/index.js) . When I try running mediaEditorWidgetRef.getConfig() it…
Special character within metadata in signed api upload
Hello guys, I've built an application to upload files through the signed api upload. The upload works perfect. Now I would like to extend the upload with metadata. I've created different structured metadata fields, e.g. sku, year and product name. Using sku and year works smooth. But if I use the field product_name which…
add width / height to cropped objects
Hello there, So I recently came across Cloudinary, and I'm very impressed. However, I can't figure out how to add width/height to a cropped object. I'll leave an example here. Here is a sample image where I want to crop the product (dress). And here is the finished picture:…
cloudinary-react Upload Widget 1.0 no longer available
I keep getting this error in the console when viewing my site, and it seems like the cloudinary-react library stopped working overnight. I have a site where users can create activities and upload images to them. The upload functionality has been working just fine for several years, but this morning I started receiving…